frequently asked questions

  • Classes and clubs do not include traditional lessons on music theory such a sheet music. Our primary focuses are chords, charts, style, performance and caring for your voice / instrument.

  • This is not therapy.

    These weekly conversations are ideal for young adults who deal with Anxiety, everyday stress, family relationships, dating, self esteem, racial identity and issues as a result of neurodivergent diagnoses.

    Jamie Grace is a graduate of Point University (BS in Child & Youth Development), foster mom and a mental health expert, who is here to support your life goals and personal growth. Sessions are customized to promote wellness through art, creativity and MUSIC! It’s an intentional and engaging way to explore your emotions and improve your well-being.

    At age 11, Jamie Grace was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, OCD, ADHD & Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Her advocacy and words on awareness have given her the stage everywhere from the CDC to local churches, from homeschool groups to Capitol Hill. You can learn more about her story in her own words by reading her book Finding Quiet.

  • Coaching / Career Coaching is geared to artists who desire to further their career as a Performing Artist or Producer.

    Coaching for Kids is designed for kids wanting to explore their interest in using their voice and being creative.

  • Artists are encouraged to walk into sessions with goals and questions! Additionally, Jamie Grace will coach artists in the following…

    • developing and marketing your brand as an artist

    • preparing for upcoming meetings, auditions and showcases

    • creating a social median schedule and plan for promoting content and music

    • and more

  • Artists are encouraged to walk into sessions with goals and questions! Additionally, Jamie Grace will coach artists in the following…

    • vocal knowledge ie control, tone, blending, melody, harmony and more

    • basic song knowledge ie style, format, tempo, key and more

    • basic performance knowledge ie auditioning, solo performance, singing in a choir, etc.

    • a list of 3 cover songs* that are ideal for their voice

    • tools to care for their voice

    • answers to specific questions they have about artistry/creating music

    • tools for creating their own song/sounds

    • much more!

  • Artists are encouraged to walk into sessions with goals and questions! Additionally, Jamie Grace will coach artists in the following…

    • basic song knowledge ie style, format, tempo and key

    • right hand skills ie strumming strings and picking

    • left hand skills ie playing chords, hammering off/on

    • understanding how to tune their guitar

    • a list of 3 goal songs* to continue learning about their sessions

    • tools to care for their guitar

    • and more!

  • All songs are G or PG rated, leaning toward Pop, Gospel, Country or old school Contemporary Christian Music.

    When working with kids and teens, all songs remain G rated. Faith based songs are only recommended by parental approval. Examples: Brave by Sara Bareilles, Happy by Pharrell.