book jamie grace Host's Name (Your Name) * First Name Last Name Email Address * Phone Number * (###) ### #### Venue Type * Our house A friend's house Rented Event Venue Church Park, Playground or Other Public Place Not Listed (Please explain below) Event Type (select all that apply) * Just Because / Home Concert Birthday Party / Celebration (for someone under 18) Birthday Party / Celebration (for someone 18-30s) Birthday Party / Celebration (for someone over 40) Wedding Shower / Engagement Party / Anniversary Wedding Gender Reveal / Baby Shower Corporate / Business / Office Small Group / Church Group Class / Workshop Retirement Party Family Reunion / Gathering Recital / Performance Graduation Party / Celebration Other Gathering Venue Type * Indoor Outdoor Virtual / Online Is this event a surprise for anyone involved / invited? * (If yes, please explain below) Yes No Reason for Request * "We are requesting more information for Jamie Grace to..." Attend our event Sing 1 song Perform a private concert (30-60 minutes) Share encouraging words (10-15 minutes) Take 1-2 photos with guest of honor / host family (less than 5 people) Meet & Greet with guests, take photos (more than 5 people) Other (Please explain below) Event Description/Other Details * How many people are invited to this event? * Less than 20 20-50 50-100 100-200 200-500 500-1000 Over 1000 Budget * $ Are there any tickets being sold to this event? * No Yes We are accepting donations for our church, organization, etc We will be taking up a love offering for our church, organization, etc Safety Protocols (please select all that apply) * Most / All of our hosts/attendees have received the Covid-19 vaccination Some of our hosts/attendees may have received the Covid-19 vaccination None of our hosts/attendees have received the Covid-19 vaccination If local restrictions / guidelines are in place at the time of the event, we will (as hosts and attendees) wear masks in an effort to slow the spread of Covid-19 If local restrictions / guidelines are in place at the time of the event, we will not (as hosts and attendees) wear masks in an effort to slow the spread of Covid-19 We would be in support of Jamie Grace's team if they chose to wear a mask in an effort to slow the spread of Covid-19 We would not be in support of Jamie Grace's team if they chose to wear a mask in an effort to slow the spread of Covid-19 Venue Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Thank you! Someone from our team will be in touch soon.